söndag 18 april 2010

I need to do something good

I am a normal woman in a normal age living in a normal small place in a normal country. Everything is so normal I one day started choking on normality! Had to do something, not so very normal. So I bacame a world parent for UNICEF. I have no kids oc my own, you see, but I always wanted a soccer team - just never happened. Now I have more kids than I can ask for - and I am so happy with that!
So every day I follow UNCEF's work all over the world and I try my best to work for them - you can do a lot of things from your sofa, believe you me! Little deeds every day- If we all did that, the world wouldn't need more help. So I try to encourage people I know to do little deeds every day. It's not hard and it doesn't cost much.
Start with visiting UNICEF's web page - I'm sure you can get it in any language - and look for yourself what little deeds you can do - from your sofa - to help all the children out ther!
And my blog - you won't be able to get away from that!

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